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The Girl Who Saw the Future

There is a famous couplet by Kabir – “Kal kare so aaj kar,aaj kare so ab; Pal me prahley hoyegi, fir karega kab.” (If you intend to do something tomorrow, do it today and if you intend to do it today, do it now; it can be a catastrophe any moment, when will you do it then?) The meaning is clear enough that no one knows what will happen the next movement. The only certainty is the present, if you have something that could be done today do not wait for tomorrow.

The above is a wonderful principle followed by many successful people. Then come those with a view that “if there will be no tomorrow, why should we worry about it today?” It definitely has some merit, we live our lives based on the assumption of a future that no one has ever seen. We plan, we assume and we hope; these are the only things under our control. But what if you come across this girl who claims to see the future. What would be your first question? I believe it could be about anything from your wellbeing, wealth, family to a so-called settled life or the result of your action today. Whatever the case, we as curious beings would like to know what is going to happen.

Conversation with the girl who sees the future

I was talking to this girl who happens to be my friend. I made a casual statement without realising where would it lead –

“There is no certainty of a tomorrow.”

“There will be a tomorrow,” she said.

“No one sees the future, how can you be so certain?” I countered.

“I do see the future,” she said calmly.

“You can peek into the future” I laughed.

“Ok then tell me what would happen tomorrow?” I asked sarcastically.

The answer changed the way I see things, I was awestruck. She does really see the future. I too can do it now. I know everything and can change it.

The Future you see is the future you get.

You can also see the future like this girl

She is not a clairvoyant or an astronomer or someone with a magic orb. She is a simple girl who proudly announces to the world that she sees the future and knows everything. When you ask her, what would happen tomorrow? She says “whatever I want, will happen.” The answer can change the lives of many if understood properly.

Like for the statement “our destiny lies in the lines of our palms”, we start interpreting the lines on our palms, looking for destiny or the future. But have you ever thought that it may mean that your destiny is in your own hands i.e. you can mould it the way you want?

Let us take an example – “I have booked a ticket to Paris and can see myself standing in front of Eiffel Tower, I see it happen 3 days from now. I can let this happen or can change the future, I miss my flight, reach Agra and I am standing in front of Taj Mahal on the exact same day and time.” Here, I saw and changed the future, everything here was my choice. I missed my flight out of my choice, I went to Agra out of my choice and now I see myself standing in front of Taj Mahal instead of Eiffel Tower that too my choice.

The girl understood it well enough, we can do it too. She not just only have the power to see the future but also to change it. Basically, we all have this power. We all can peek into the future and can know everything.

The future you see, is the future you get. – Robert G. Allen

P.S. Special thanks to the girl who inspired the thought and made this possible. Feel free to share your story if you see the future or know someone who does.

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