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Hindi - The Language

Hindi – The Language

Isn’t it unfortunate, I am writing this in English? Here are a few questions, before you read any further. क्या आपको ABCD आती हैं?  हाँ क्या आपको 1 से 100 तक गिनती आती हैं? हाँ क्या आपको “अ” से “ज्ञ” तक वर्णमाला आती हैं? आती तो है पर… क्या आप १ से १०० तक हिंदी…

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The Showcial Reality

The ‘SHOW’cial Reality

The social media is a revolution that changed the world. It helps us stay connected with friends and family. We know, what’s happening in their lives and at the same time, they also know what we are up to. The best part is, it is not restricted to people we know. If you want to…

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Education – In Need of Reform

Education is the need of hour, we hear it all the time. Firstly we need to understand, what is education? Let’s go by the dictionary definition – “It is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.” So it is basically a system that we have developed to provide…

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