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The First Day

It is quite interesting to note that we are always keen to start things with the first day of a week/ month/ year, often making an excuse to postpone things; or to have an anniversary coinciding with something important. The question is why we wait for a calendar year to mark the beginning of a new era. That’s what it is about, we try to follow something already set instead of taking the responsibility to initiate something new and that too without any reason. This time there was a coincidence that the first day of the Georgian calendar year 2018 happens to be the first day of week i.e. Monday. We were all excited to take the resolutions following a trend stated by something or someone. The question I why we do so instead of following our own time our own calendar, it is not about any of the calendar that we have created or which is popularly used. Any instant, date, or year from which time is marked is called the epoch of the era, which marks the beginning of a calendar and subsequently the years. There are many different calendar eras such as the Georgian or Christian era that is the most commonly used and like many others is marked by a supposed historical event also known as “anno domini.” The point here is the calendar is defined by your actions and not the other way round. It’s not the date that make a day important, it’s the event that makes it important. If we consider let’s say India got independence on August 15th, 1947. I believe it marks the beginning of a new era, if we want a new calendar. The first day as independent country will not be the first day of any calendar year but the day on which it got independence. Calendar’s role is just to keep track of time, it doesn’t specify why and when something needs to be done or started.

What is the importance of this first day?Calendar
May be a new hope that things will be better this time or an excuse to postpone or a milestone set by  someone we don’t know. Basically it’s the anniversary of the calendar and we have to celebrate it like all the other important days. The question is this supposed to be the only first day. The first day of your school, your birthday, your first day at work, the day of commencement of your business, and many such occasions will rarely be the first day of the calendar year. So why not make another one day, a day one. The only thing natural here is “a day” that has the capability to be a day one, with your little help. Each day brings a morning that brings a fresh start or a new hope, an afternoon that brings faith, an evening that bring love and finally the night that brings rest. In a calendar year we have basically some 365 days waiting in line to be a day one. It’s our choice if we want them to be just another day or a day one that can be celebrated as an anniversary or may be a festival.

It is not the date one that is important, it is the day one.

It’s the result of what we have be taught, that we consider the calendar more important than the action. May be falling in the superstition or the trying to steal from someone his luck or dream. All can be done if you are willing to make a move, on any given day or in any situation. Remember the best trips are often the unplanned ones. Start wherever you are, use what you have and do what you can. Ask yourself each time you think of a date – “How many Mondays have passed since you decided, I will start next week?

2 thoughts on “The First Day

  1. Quite true.. I also have the tendency to postpone things.. Use to decide lot of things to initiate on the first day of the year but it never executed.. Yes I also think that implementation or action is most important thing instead of worthless planning and just planning.. We should start doing things right now because time and tide waits for none.. Might be the time for which u r waiting will never come and u just keep waiting for that and later on u regret.. So take action in present time..

  2. Rightly said that calender or dates are merely a measure of time and certainly not a milestone of some plan. There is no universal calendar, there is no beginning of time. The Big Bang Theory is also under dispute. No one knows when it all began and no one knows when will it begin. If we decide a date to start something new, it should be based upon time required to achieve the atmosphere for that new thing. It can’t be fancy or casual thought off, that might not work. In fact anything new should start on an unique date so that you can exclusively celebrate it’s anniversary on success.

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