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Inspiring Motivation

It’s been some time that I haven’t written anything new. When I was thinking about it, I got the idea. I wanted to write but don’t know what it has to be. It brought me to these two words – “inspiration” and “motivation”. There seems to be a narrow gap between these two words, but they are millions of miles apart. I have seen a lot many people using these words interchangeably and it seems right on occasions as well.

When I say I am motivated, most of the times I am pushing myself to do something. Motivation is about preparing yourself mentally, waking up early, going to the gym, etc. The point here is you think, you should do something and push yourself hard to do it.
Inspiration, on the other hand, comes from an entirely different planet. It means being mentally stimulated to do or feel something. We are naturally drawn to do what we feel like doing. We may do things that don’t seem productive. But for them, we may end up turning the world upside down. If I am inspired, I may write a book within a month. Anyways it is for the best as it is the most fulfilling thing one can do.

Motivation has a lot to do on the false ground. We think that we have to do something and it often leads to something that really doesn’t matter. It is basically what you think that you should be doing. It is a wonderful idea and not a passionate burning desire that comes from the core.

In the simplest form, motivation is about things that we think we should do or are supposed to do. Inspiration, on the other hand, is about a call to action that comes from within, that has no explanation because it is the best of us.

How do we know when we are inspired?

We know because everything feels effortless.
We have to hold ourselves from starting at this very moment.
It’s our burning passion that keeps us excited and balanced.
It keeps our mind occupied, leaving no vacancy.
It is a feeling of a call to action that comes from within.
We feel it to our bones.

Defining inspiration and motivation

Everyone has a different opinion on how to segregate them. Some of the best I have read are:

  • Motivation is required when you are stranded. Inspiration doesn’t let you stop.
  • Motivation is not always positive, inspiration is.
  • Inspiration can’t be forced. Motivation is the force.
  • Motivation is external and inspiration is internal.
  • Inspiration is the pull. Motivation is the push.

Every definition and opinion looks equally good. I would say both may be apart but they are complementary.

What’s the context?

Coming back to why I wrote this, I was looking for a topic because I was motivated to write. What I lacked is the inspiration, the idea. I got my inspiration in the very definition of motivation and inspiration.
Basically, both play an equally important role when it comes to action. You must be wondering, “How to get inspired?” As far as I can see, you can’t. Inspiration isn’t something that you can collect or grab. It comes from the very core of your being. That means to get inspired you can’t bring in something external, because that’s motivation.

But motivation can help you to get inspired. Motivation can ignite an external desire that can help you get inspired. That’s the only reason why they are used interchangeably. To be inspired is about a realignment with your inner self. Whenever you feel like you have to push, or you’re not enjoying the life. It’s time to realign and motivation does that for you. Whenever you feel like you are doing everything as an obligation or an expectation. It’s time to get a little motivation.

Realigning is not that complicated. It’s very simple, actually. Recalling what sets you on fire and take help of the external motivation to give it a little push. Once aligned you will be back on track and the inspiration will pull you towards your goal.

So, what do you really want? Not what should you want, not what you think might be a good idea for you to want? What gets you rolling? Once you’ve got a hold on it, stay with it for a little while. Focus on it, ponder on it. Taste it. Feel it.

It feels wonderful, doesn’t it?

If it doesn’t, you’re still not there. Keep moving.

When everything moves on autopilot, you are inspired. You’re in your spirit and it’s always better than a regular dose of motivation.

P.S. I got the inspiration to write this piece and it was the motivation that keeps me going on when I look for inspiration around. Thanks. Please feel free to share your views.

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