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The Life of Purpose

There is a very famous story I would like to share here. I have read and heard it several times and it is always worth a mention. It is about US President John F. Kennedy’s visit to NASA space centre in 1962, where he noticed a janitor with a broom, he interrupted his tour walked over to the man and asked – “Hi, I am Jack Kennedy, What are you doing?”

“Mr President, I am helping put a man on the moon” responded the janitor. I still wonder if it is a made up story or the man really believed it but whatever the case, the answer is a perfect example of purpose. Most of us will note that the janitor was just cleaning the building. When we try to see the big picture, he was helping to make history. We usually don’t see the big picture and blame the environment and circumstances. The point here is whatever our role is, we contribute to a big picture which will eventually unfold. And when everyone in the team adapts this idea and belief, incredible things will start to happen.

What is the purpose?

It can be presented in many ways but it is the very reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. We as curious beings try to find the purpose for everything. Whatever we do, however, we do it, there is always a reason that explains it all. Most of us believe, to find the purpose is the very reason we exist. It is the secret of all the success and advancements we get in career and life. I believe it is the most accepted answer to one of the biggest question of philosophy (What is the purpose of life?). The answer in simplest form is “to live.”

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

So, how would I explain the purpose of life?

As mentioned earlier, the purpose of life is to live. It could only be understood as we move ahead in the walks of life. It is something that is waiting for us to be explored. We can only find it by taking the voyage to life, by enhancing knowledge on the way and by seeing the bigger picture of which we are part of. It seems like a lot of fancy stuff, and hence wonderful or maybe not. I could give a lot of fancy explanations like this and most of you would be looking for the same.

But I would say there is a big problem with the very concept of “purpose of life.” The concept that there is some greater purpose and it is our divine duty to search for it. It has the same flawed logic as justifying calling the spirits, magic wishing orbs, a cat crossing the way and evil number 13 kind of stuff.

I don’t think anyone who is elated or blissful ever talks about the purpose. If one thinks life has a purpose other than to live. He may be right in a way but life in itself is grander than any purpose. We exist on this planet for some undetermined period of time. We do a lot many things during our time, some important and others not. All these things give life a meaning and the so-called purpose. If you really understand what life is you will never ask this question?

Finding a purpose in life, no I would say creating or inventing would be better suited.

Creating a purpose in life is about realising the things that are greater than yourself, and even greater than everyone around you. It is never about some great feat but just finding a way to spend your limited amount of time well. To really find something you can call purpose. Try to look beyond yourself, think of a world greater than you and imagine it without yourself.

Coming back to the janitor story, the man found his purpose. At least he had a sense for it. He made history and that is what matters most. Satisfaction. That’s what purpose is all about.

It always helps to end with a quote and here it is.

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.  – Robert Byrne

P.S. Think differently, feel free to share your opinion, that’s what we are here for.

2 thoughts on “The Life of Purpose

  1. Very well written Surya….very philosophical but true to identify the purpose of life. We should perceive the bigger picture of life………

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